Thursday, August 13th, 2009 | Scriitor:

The “Baia Mare” revolution was boiling. Committees that lasted for hours, some for days, were made, they were complaining, they were almost speaking like “Ratiu”: “Vote for me”, otherwise they’ve done it all, including the armed threats. First rumor of big interest: “the dam is poisoned” (how much poison is needed for 17, 6 millions of m³ of water) made people go from indifference to panic. This news was diffused by four young men from an ARO, with a tricolor, kicking and screaming on the city streets “the news day”. After a few hours, the second news was: “The Security Unit from “Somcuta Mare” attacks “Baia Mare”, nobody having any doubt about it.
The newspaper “For Socialism” was taken over by one who has been “at the propaganda” and who did not stay for too long in there. The newspaper changes its name and becomes (after Scanteia and others) of the nation, in the end continuing to stay on what it’s today.
The real battle for power was taken at the Municipality Committee, where “the presidents” were being changed almost daily, if not at least once a week, until the army got the power, in fact a lieutenant colonel that with a little support from people got to stay till the elections took place. Hardly, considering the people, the society and the brawlers wanted quick and concrete changes. When the person that “leaded” the group from the security building got at the Municipality Committee, a hard woman, that “before” used to be a sort of an organizer for the activities of UTC, stops him:
-Where are you going?
The short guy and massive in the same time, confident in him and “the ones from behind” that accepted him as a boss after the immixture from the security, bawled at her, in a different manner of decency that had to be given considering his license (he was a teacher).
– Listen, lady, I was invited here and you are trying to stop me? By that time the “supporters” were “moving on”, “giggling” like any other man.
– STOP! The woman shouted with a voice of a thunder. I respect man as a specie and I am religious even before the Free Europe motto (in fact of “Maloux”) which brings the sentence of: “21 century will be a faithful one or it won’t be at all”, but if this thing, faith, wouldn’t have been placed in the Holy Bible, you would have known me different.

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