Monday, August 10th, 2009 | Scriitor:

– I am happy that you noticed so fast this fact that is particular in their life, in these simple people’s life, with a life rich in their own livings, and unfairly despised by some people. With the risk of turning away from the daylight shadows and of irritating you with my stories or maybe to pass faster over the line of daily sufferings, and this is because of the fact that one can get you at the village side very hard, when the car doesn’t “haste” you and you get back very fast at the place you planned going. I see now, that all you do is in a big hurry.
A person, when falls in love, surprisingly finds out that in fact he doesn’t really know him self enough, but he is wishfully enough from all his being to get to know another person. In this moment he realizes he is in a special state of being: euphoria, mixed up with doubt, which alters into a distinct state of sensibility. Then is seems that his high-mindedness is raked up and discovers with astonishment that he is capable of acts and behaviors that he didn’t assume before and, on top of all that, in all this happiness and contradictory feelings you feel that in your soul, a doubt eats you, a fear, for the first time you realize that true happiness does not exist.
This is the first truth that you hope to banish fast, to get rid of it, if you cannot, you neglect it.
While you were a child, a teenager, you built your self a model, you got ready a toilet, you’ve done all you thought was necessary to face the world, to be seen, to be taken heed on by this world. Now you determine that this “world” has a form. It is a HE or a SHE, the human being you felt in love with. In this moment the biggest wish is to become the best, more gorgeous, more important, more valued by the loved one. Obviously that love doesn’t come at the same age at everyone, as older we get as apparent our clumsiness will get, becoming harsh even in the context of our usually life. We could also affirm that 98% of the two genders could like each other; we could understand each other…
And then …Then the bell rings and our geologist meditation, because this story is about him, were suddenly interrupted and he left for the door.

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