Thursday, August 06th, 2009 | Scriitor:

Just as I told you before, this boy, my son Relu, I loved him and I still love him enormously. I have noticed any kind of changes in him from the time of those two murders. People were convinced that He gave that ordinance but many were convinced that so much harm only She could spread. There was a time of full propaganda and ideology, time that coincided with the run off of one of the Central Committee member’s son in West, time in which the Secretary of Education Lady was relegated and not only her, on the motives of “ready-made conspiracy”, that was associated with a political sect. So, all these actions covered in that Ordinance had to “enlarge the political solidarity and unit around C.C.”. I don’t know how much they have enlarged and united around C.C. but, as you may know, instant examples had to be given, examples that had to be well sealed in the main organizations. One of the requirements of this unforgettable Ordinance was that: “if the actions of a member of a collective brings morale or material disadvantages to that collective, this can dispose the harm removal from the bases”. With other words; to get unemployed with the “I letter” if I’m not mistaking, letter that assures him any employment in any unit from the country.
Maybe today people laugh at this thought, but school directors were being unemployed and sent “for production”. What can a teacher do in the vehicle industry? Then a lot of people saw themselves “stigmatized” and discharged from their working place. At the mining units were no man left with this kind of assertion, mentioned above, so in order to give an example too, they looked for one or two persons to be “stigmatized”. One of them was a young helping mine digger, college and friend of my son. He was never missing, hard-working but he didn’t understand himself well with the wife, each one with his needs. It happened that in that time, Sandu, the man we were talking about, just recently gave his wife “a lesson”. This was enough to get him off his work. So he didn’t get the feeling it was too easy, someone advised his wife to “straighten him up” at the party. When he realized he went too far he didn’t talk to anyone anything. He meat Relu, whom he called out for a beer in Baia. Relu had something to do in town and he went. They drunk a beer, got out of the bar and the man with whom Relu had to meet came. Sandu told him that he would wait for him at the Violeta tea room.

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